Location: Central Texas

I'm tired.

Monday, May 07, 2007


I registered for class today. Here's the blurb about it:

VTHT 2023 Veterinary Clinical Pathology I (64 hrs)
In-depth study of hematology and related CHEMISTRIES with
emphasis on lab procedures. Prerequisites: VTHT 1001, 1005,
1013 or instructor approval.

Italics, bolding, capitalization, MINE! Ack! I hate chemistry. The upside is that it's located at a campus closer to our house than exactly ALL the way across the WHOLE of Austin, and I am SO not kidding when I say that. You can look out the windows from the building I usually go to and actually SEE the northern border of Austin. (It's a giant purple line. Really!)

I had such trouble last night getting my paragraphs to have spaces between them. So much trouble, in fact, that they have NO spaces between them. In the window where I type, there are spaces. In the published blog, not so much. So don't think I'm retarded if this doesn't have spaces. I tried, I really did.


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