Location: Central Texas

I'm tired.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

They walk underwater!

This morning, we're watching children's programming. They're talking about letters, and the letter in question at that moment was: "M." There were several objects on the screen, all of which started with M. One thing is just an outline. A voice says, "Name an animal that starts with an M!" This outline has good-sized ears and buck teeth, and I, so lacking in imagination, am thinking, "Mouse!"

No so the child. Her answer?


The next animal name I expect her to utter? Coelacanth. I wouldn't be surprised.

Also, I suspect she's been mixing with an unsavory element at school. Today in the car, while a Springsteenesque instrumental thing was playing, I hear from the backseat, "Yeah, baybuh! Yeah, baybuh! Gimmeachance, baybuh!"

These kids these days with The Rock and Roll.


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