Location: Central Texas

I'm tired.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

She just keeps doing this "growing up" thing.

First tooth lost on Thursday, October 9th, while eating pizza for dinner at her friend Cole's house. She swallowed the tooth, but the Tooth Fairy came anyway, because she's cool like that. The other front middle tooth next to it is loose, as well.

I remember feeling stressed about having an infant, then stressed about having a toddler, and I like this age right now, having conversations with her, singing hawaiian songs before bed, going on nature scavenger hunts around the block or listening to her read to me. She's tall, she's beautiful, she's crazy-smart, and she has an imagination that won't quit. And yet, sometimes when I see so clearly how grown-up she is, I miss that infant, and I miss that toddler. Five years went by in a wink, and in another five years, she'll be 10, maybe she'll have glasses, maybe she'll be a bit chubby, and five years after that, she'll be 15 and hate my guts just because. That's only two winks away, and if I wink again, she'll be gone. And although I know she'll probably take over the world, I don't want to send her out into it without me by her side, protecting her.

Damn. I never would have had a kid if ANYBODY had told me it would rip my heart out!

Thanks for not telling me.


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