Location: Central Texas

I'm tired.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Road Rage, Christmas edition

On the way back from the Armadillo Christmas Bazaar this afternoon, I was driving down 6th Street, heading for Loop 1 to get home. I was in the left lane. In front of me was a car, and in front of the car was a large truck, which just sort of stopped with his left turn signal on, and sat. I waited for awhile, but finally decided that in the interest of ever getting home, to go around him. I check my rear view mirror: no cars for several blocks. So, I pull into the next lane to my right to go around the truck. Now, picture this. I am in a minivan. Minivans are tall. Tiny red midlife-crisis-Barbie-doll cars are not. As I complete my pulling out, a horn squeaks, and this miniscule red car swerves around me. Obviously, it was in my enormous blind spot when I pulled out. "Yikes!" I think, glad I didn't hit the guy. He then pulls immediately back into the lane I'm in and STOPS DEAD. I slam on my breaks, and sit there while a man who looks just like Santa Claus, COMPLETE WITH SANTA HAT (although a much smaller beard) cusses me out! I'm sure he's somebody's grandpa, and I'm also sure that there's a buttload of adrenaline coursing through him, and I know he thinks I'm an idiot, but jeez, that jolly old elf has a candy cane up his butt. I toss him a very exaggerated "I'm sorry" though the window, and he makes a sharp left onto a side street, presumably to find some reindeer to flog.

Ho ho f#*!ing ho, to you, too.


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