
Location: Central Texas

I'm tired.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


My awesomeness took a little dip today. Just got on to check my e-mail and get a message from my instructor, to whom I sent my take-home exam yesterday. It says, basically, "Looks good, but where's the rest?"

Ummmm, the rest?

Yes, the REST. The NEXT 10 questions that magically appear when you TURN THE PAPER OVER.


Just in case

3 Israeli Gas Masks Youth w/Drinking Hose & Filter -- $49.99

And keep in mind, that's for THREE! Too bad I only have one child. Found them here. And why, exactly, was I there? In my travels today, I happened upon a radio station that seemed to be made up of conspiracy theorists, anti-government involvement, bla bla bla people, and this was a company that I hear two commercials for in about an hour. I couldn't help myself. Really, you've got to love a company that has a whole subcategory for "Kids guns." Sign me up!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Deep cleaning

Today I used something very much like this (same brand, different model) while cleaning the bathroom. Interesante, no? Let your imagination run wild, because I'm pretty sure it'll conjure up stuff way more exciting and probably less repulsive than reality.

And just to offset the high-tech electronic trend my cleaning jag has taken on, I also purchased a mop today. An old-fashioned, actual MOP, with STRINGS, even, not the sponge kind! Luckily for me, we have the superest of superstores nearby, so it cost me less than $2, if you can even believe that.

You know, I think the only conversation I had with another human today was with the surly checker at said superest of superstores. Oh, and the lady in the cleaning aisle who knocked about twenty bottles of polish off the shelves. I helped her put them back up, because did I mention? I'm awesome.

I've also discovered the unbelievable joy of sleeping diagonally on a California King bed. Wow!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Let me think about that.

Question #9 on take-home final for Clinical Nutrition:

An adult, male, neutered cat presents to your hospital with a non-healing wound on the top of his head. On your initial assessment, you find the cat to have a BCS of 1.5/5, severe dental accumulation, and an old, draining burn wound. Describe this patient's condition and your initial nutritional concerns.

My answer:

Hmmm. Well, I don't think he'd taste very good.

Positivity! (This is my first attempt, so be patient with me!)

I am completely awesome. (And "awesome" is a word I almost NEVER use, because it conjures up surfers way back in the 80's and one would think that after 25 years or so, it would've ceased being used constantly, but it hasn't, and so I hold it in reserve for things that truly ARE awesome--that is, worthy of awe. Which is what I am.)


I have recently become the recipient of a nice bit of swag from the Hill's people, the makers of Science Diet doggie food. The anatomy atlas above is full of drawings of common issues and diseases seen in veterinary practices. It doesn't SOUND particularly exciting, but it really is. The the part about it that makes ME awesome is that I won it. On our last day of class, we were given a sheet of questions we needed to answer about various dog foods. I had the highest score and was able to choose between this book and a CD with feeding stuff on it. Actually, this book is pretty coveted among tech students--we like pretty pictures of spleens.

Now, all this stuff came in the mail today. A mouse pad, a t-shirt, a bandanna for Moe (which he won't wear, because it doesn't mesh with his fashion aesthetic,) and a cool hardback book that I have looked at bunches of times at Half Price Books and never bought because even at half price, I am too cheap. These goodies are rewards for taking an online nutrition course that Hill's does, called the VNA, or Veterinary Nutritional Advocate. There are three modules, and for each one you finish, you get some stuff! The above stuff is for modules 1 and 2. We didn't have to do 3, but I'm wondering what I'd get if I did it. I might, just for kicks. I think it might be a tote bag, because a friend of mine who took the course last semester, had one.

It really is nice to get something tangible, something other than a grade, for doing well in a class. I mean, hopefully, doing well in these classes will get me a JOB, and subsequently some money, so that's not so bad, either.

So while I think we can all agree of my insane level of awesomeness, let us turn to something less festive but much more intriguing (at least in my opinion.) It is the fact that I can spend 75% of the average day with the girl, lamenting that I just need time to myself, and will you please quit hanging all over me, and can we quiet down for JUST A SECOND!? and I need time off, and then when she's been gone for less than 12 hours I'm already in a cold sweat wanting her back! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL ABOUT! Will someone please explain this dichotomy of motherhood to me? Please? Because it makes very little sense.

And speaking of mothers, visited mine today. I got there around lunchtime, so I fed her, and then rubbed her hair until she fell asleep. Yesterday, I was standing in line at a store where a teenage girl was talking to her mother in a way that made me want to walk up to her and very politely knock her teeth down her attitude-spouting throat, and I wondered what she'd say if I said to her that I wished I had a mother I could talk to at ALL. Probably would have rolled her eyes and called me a bitch. But I do wish that.

Boy. This "dealing with stuff" thing is so difficult sometimes! But for those of us gifted with an abundance of awsomosity--a mere trifle!

Thursday, August 07, 2008


This is what I want.

I find that nothing makes one sit and take stock better than the ear-buzzing shock and subsequent all-day barely-contained squalling freak-out caused by a small girl vomiting on her bed.

First thing in the morning.

And the squalling freak-out? That's ME, by the way. Zoe's fine.

So my first question is: am I a bad mom? . . . okay, no. My FIRST question is: Holy Christ on a crutch, how fast can I get to a hotel?! THEN that bad mom thing. . .

So, am I? Just for the record, I did NOT go to a hotel. I DID, however, fish out the surgical mask I wore during my anatomy and physiology cat-dissection adventure, and slap it onto my face. Wore it for several hours, but took it off when I walked Moe. I didn't want to look crazy to anyone OUTSIDE the house, see. As luck would have it, when Zoe vomited, she immediately started yelling for Daddy, and as I lay there in bed hearing this, I somehow KNEW what was going on. Just a visceral, in-my-bones knowledge that stomach contents were going to figure prominently in the next hour or so.

Zach, because he is so very normal, has taken charge of the girl for the day, knowing full well that my ability (however puny it normally is) to be an okay mother was blown the frick out of the water. I did my part by going to the store and buying Pedialyte freezer pops.

Naturally, Zoe is acting perfectly normal, and ignoring the fact that her mother is just a pale husk of the normally neurotic-but-at-least-present woman she usually is. I must say that even though I acknowledge here that I am completely a dumb-ass when it comes to barf, I am quite proud of myself that I managed to stay in the house and NOT lose it as much as I anticipated I might when I imagined what would happen should vomiting occur. (Which I did think of, on occasion.) I think this is in large part because she vomited once and then stopped. If it was an ongoing thing, I might have reacted differently.

So I really do need to think about so many things! Like, at 41, who/what do I want to be? Seems like an odd question to be asking so late in life, doesn't it? But I really haven't BECOME anything, despite years of schooling and being alive and stuff. If I have to answer the question, there are a few things I want to be.

1. A good mom. That's the first one, no doubt. I want Zoe to grow up thinking fondly of me, and not wishing I'd been someone nicer. I catch myself getting impatient with things she does because I'm forgetting she's a very small girl and not a grown-up. Yesterday, we made cookie-mixes to give to her teachers on the last day of school tomorrow. We ended up with flour and sugar everywhere because her pouring abilities are not yet as developed as mine. And I finally just said, "Who the hell cares!" and swept all the flour and sugar out the back door when we were done. Nobody died because we spilled stuff. And it was much more fun. I want to be able to live my whole mothering life like that. Letting stuff roll off my back more. Less sighing, less eye-rolling, less whining. (And by whining, I mean ME. Again.)

2. A happy person. Most people who have known me longer than a year or so (I won't out you here,) know that I tend to come at things from the negative side. (I can TOTALLY hear a chorus of people saying, "Who, YOU? Nooooo!" very, very sarcastically.) I don't like it either. Is that surprising? I don't actually enjoy being like this. I should stop it. Is there a "Happiness for Dummies?"

3. An effective doggie nurse. This one stands a chance. Not that the others don't, but this one seems a little more attainable to me at the moment, because I've been consistently tested on this stuff, and I'm doing well. If only I could get an A on the "Nurturing a Kid" quiz.

4. NORMAL! Yeah, that's a lot to ask, given what I consider my abnormalities. Let me list for you my various abnormalities, and then perhaps together we can formulate a plan to get me on the path to normalosity.

A: The vomit phobia. Bleah.

B: The anxiety disorder. Suckful.

C: The stomach issues.

D: The vague depression I suspect I've had forever.

E: A propensity to procrastinate, even when what I'm putting off is something I want to do.

F: My slovenliness.

G: My inability to sleep longer than an hour and a half at a time.

H: My whininess and complaining.

I: My constant worrying about what COULD happen.

J: My feelings of inferiority.

K: My vague dissatisfaction.

Okay, I'm going to stop there, because I'm making myself more of D, H, J and K just reading this over. So the question is: what to do about it?

Hmmm. Well, medication seems like a good idea, doesn't it? As a matter of fact, I can imagine that medication could address EVERY SINGLE ONE of these issues. So why am I not taking bucketloads of Prozac? See E and I.
Really, I think the first thing I could do is stop using this blog as a place where all I do is whine about my various issues. Really I should be using it to tell everybody about the cool stuff. Which I do, from time to time, yes. But what good does complaining do? I ask this of Zoe all the time, and I suppose I should listen to my own questions, maybe pose them to myself. I'm telling her to act like a grown-up, but acting like a child, myself.
*sigh*. . . okay.
Next up: positivity! (I'm not kidding!)